DSAG helps provide the certainty needed to plan for digital transformation, as SAP commits through 2040

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Walldorf, 04.02.2020 – SAP today committed to provide maintenance for S/4HANA for its customers through the end of 2040. Additionally, optional extensions to maintenance plans for the core applications in Business Suite 7 and the associated ERP 6.0 will be offered through 2030. This will give customers the leeway required to tackle digital transformation holistically, and to identify the opportunities and innovations they need for a successful future. The German-speaking SAP User Group  (DSAG) initially addressed a desire for clarity around this with SAP last spring, and sees these commitments as sending a strong signal to member companies that they should work closely with SAP to shape the future.

Until now, it was unknown and open to speculation how companies would move forward with the SAP ERP solution Business Suite 7 and with S/4HANA after 2025— because, previously, SAP only guaranteed its customers that it would provide maintenance for Business Suite 7 until at least the end of 2025. „For many customers, this simply was not enough to get them to address digital transformation in a full, comprehensive way,“ explains Andreas Oczko, the DSAG Board Member for Operations/Service & Support. So, since March 2019, DSAG has pushed for more long-term release and maintenance planning to take companies beyond 2025. SAP listened, and DSAG members‘ suggestions have now been realized in a concrete vision for the future. „SAP has responded to customers‘ requirements for a sustainable, comprehensive maintenance strategy and, in doing so, has created a strong foundation for the future,“ continues Andreas Oczko.

S/4HANA: Maintenance pledged through 2040

SAP has now committed to continuing maintenance for S/4HANA, the latest SAP application, until the end of 2040 at least. Furthermore, it is extending maintenance for what are currently the most popular core applications of Business Suite 7 in the installed base by five more years, through 2030. During this period, customers will continue to receive proven mainstream maintenance support where needed:

  • Proven mainstream maintenance support will continue unchanged until 2027, at no additional cost.
  • From 2028, the well-known customer-specific maintenance comes into effect, with the costs remaining unchanged.
  • Customers who require a longer, more extensive transition to S/4HANA can make use of proven extended maintenance support for Business Suite 7, for an additional cost, for the three years from 2028 to the end of 2030.

Making immediate use of the extra time

These commitments are the result of constructive dialog and collaboration between customers, user groups, partners, and SAP. They give customers the time they need to address the opportunities afforded by S/4HANA, tap into potential innovations, design more flexible business processes and, at the same time, protect their existing investments.

According to Andreas Oczko, companies should make immediate use of this extra time: „The maintenance commitments for S/4HANA through at least 2040 and for Business Suite 7 through the end of 2030 are not a carte blanche for companies to keep waiting. Instead, it is a sign they should put their recent reluctance to one side and start tackling digital transformation.“ For companies, now it’s a question of using the opportunities afforded by S/4HANA and other new technologies to forge their own paths in the digital future.

For DSAG, that means making access to SAP innovations significantly easier for customers. It will also continue its efforts to pursue a vertical licensing model that takes existing cloud licenses into consideration. Right now this remains a vision for DSAG; but it is one the group will do everything it can to make a reality.

About DSAG

The German-speaking SAP User Group is one of the world’s most influential user groups. With more than 60,000 members from over 3,500 companies, its strong network comprises medium-sized businesses to DAX-listed corporations, across all sectors of the economy in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Thanks to its reach, the group has unique insights into the digital challenges faced by companies in these markets. DSAG uses this knowledge to represent the interests of SAP users and pave the way to digitalization for its members. Further information is available at: dsag.dewww.dsag.atwww.dsag-ev.ch


Die Deutschsprachige SAP-Anwendergruppe e. V. (DSAG) ist einer der einflussreichsten Anwenderverbände der Welt. Mehr als 60.000 Mitglieder aus über 3.700 Unternehmen bilden ein starkes Netzwerk, das sich vom Mittelstand bis zum DAX-Konzern und über alle wirtschaftlichen Branchen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (DACH) erstreckt. Auf Basis dieser Reichweite gewinnt der Industrieverband fundierte Einblicke in die digitalen Herausforderungen im DACH-Markt. Die DSAG nutzt diesen Wissensvorsprung, um die Interessen der SAP-Anwender zu vertreten und ihren Mitgliedern den Weg in die Digitalisierung zu ebnen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: dsag.dewww.dsag.atwww.dsag-ev.ch

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