„We are ready for a reality check“

statements dunkelblau

Walldorf, 02.06.2021 – On the occasion of SAPPHIRE NOW 2021, Jens Hungershausen, Chairman of the German-speaking SAP User Group (DSAG), comments on the latest information about RISE with SAP.

„RISE with SAP combines SAP’s approach of transitioning its customers to cloud-based scenarios with other offerings that come under the business transformation umbrella. Customers should follow this strategy based on the way in which business process intelligence is pursued or how business processes will be implemented using existing business networks like ARIBA. For SAP users, this may provide some positive impetus by all means; but it has yet to prove its worth in practice.

Jens Hungershausen, Chairman of the German-speaking SAP User Group (DSAG)

The planned industry-specific packages for the automotive sector, retail, consumer goods, engineering, component manufacturers, and utilities sound interesting. The same goes for the improvements around human resources (Human Experience Management) and the modular cloud-based ERP system. But these are all also intrusions into existing IT landscapes that are only possible if the relevant solutions can be understood in the context of the wider SAP ecosystem and corresponding projects can be implemented using viable business cases. We’re looking forward to hearing about the initial experiences of companies in German-speaking countries with RISE with SAP, and we’ll continue to serve as SAP’s sparring partner when it comes to reality checks.“

About DSAG

The German-speaking SAP User Group (DSAG) is one of the most influential user groups in the world. Its extensive network is made up of more than 60,000 members from over 3,700 companies, ranging from mid-size firms to DAX-listed corporations, and representing every major industry in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Thanks to its extraordinary reach, the group has unparalleled insight into the digital challenges facing companies in these markets. DSAG uses this knowledge to represent the interests of SAP users and help pave the way for its members to a digital future.

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